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2023-09-14 英语词典


美式发音: [ˈɡæŋɡli] 英式发音: ['ɡæŋɡli]


网络释义:身材瘦长的;瘦长难看的;太过瘦长比较级:ganglier  最高级:gangliest  同义词反义词





adj.1.Same as gangling2.gangling

1.身材瘦长的 handsome 英俊的 gangly 身材瘦长的 full-bodied 魁梧的 ...

2.瘦长难看的 no wonder 一点也不奇怪 gangly 瘦长难看的 silenced his critics 使批评者哑口无言 ...

3.太过瘦长395)但是他不是一个特优的选秀选择,因为他看起来太过瘦长(gangly) 不太灵巧,而且他在打击的准备动作很不正统.不过太 …

4.身体瘦长而难看的 ... steakhouse 牛排餐厅 gangly 身体瘦长而难看的 reserve 保留,隐藏,预定 ...

5.细长的 fungible a. 可替代的,可互换的n,代替物 gangly a. 细长的,不结实的 gear n. 齿轮, …

6.不结实的 fungible a. 可替代的,可互换的 gangly a. 细长的,不结实的 gasconade v. & n. 吹牛 ...


1.I had finally decided to cut my bad haircut and I finally began to grow into my body, so I wasn't as awkward and gangly !后来我终于决定改变难看的发型,我的身体也终于长开了,我终于看上去不那么瘦削和笨拙了!

2.My knock at the door was answered by a gangly, tousled -haired young man in overalls, who confirmed that they did, indeed, have a telephone.我敲门大门被回答的一个奖品,凌乱长发年轻男子工作服,他们证实,他们确实有一个电话。

3.But the life of a tall, gangly, self-made Springfield lawyer [Abraham Lincoln] tells us that a different future is possible.但是,一位身材高挑、自学成才的斯普林菲尔德律师[亚伯拉罕·林肯(AbrahamLincoln)]的经历向我们显示,可以有不同的未来。

4.But the life of a tall , gangly, self-made Springfield lawyer tells us that a different future is possible .但一位自学成才的瘦高个、一位斯普林菲尔德市律师的成长经历告诉大家,我们有可能打造一个不同于以往的未来。

5.His two older brothers were 17, while bin Laden can be seen as a gangly teenager with an open and slightly unsure smile.拉登的两个哥哥时年17岁,他则是一个身材瘦长、脸上挂着坦诚而略显不自信的笑容的少年。

6.I scanned the group twice and focused on a gaunt man in the middle of the pack with gangly facial hair and tattoos.我扫视了两遍,最后把目光聚焦在队伍中间一个枯瘦憔悴的男人身上,他胡子拉扎,刺着纹身。

7.I was an awkward child. Tall, gangly, and, like everyone else in my family, severely myopic.我是一个不讨人喜欢的孩子,瘦高个,还像我家里的每个人一样,眼睛严重近视。

8.I had never seen a chap as tall and gangly as he was.我从没见过像他那样又瘦又高的人。

9.He draws his knees beneath him, then splays his legs like a gangly six-year-old.他盘起膝盖,然后像六岁小孩一样倾斜着自己的腿。

10.This magical plant is actually a tropical variety that looks quite gangly and unimpressive for 364 days of the year.这种神奇的植物实际上是一种热带植物的变种。在一年的364天里,它看来身材瘦长,很不起眼。
